Will I Lose My Teeth If I Have Periodontal Disease?
Will I Lose My Teeth If I Have Periodontal Disease?Periodontal disease is a serious gum infection that can lead to tooth loss. It is caused by the buildup of plaque, a sticky film of bacteria, on the teeth. If plaque is not removed, it can harden into tartar, which can irritate the gums and lead [...]
dentist for special needs children
What kind of support do special needs children require for dental care? According to Dr Ellie Nadian Kids Dental Specialist, Supporting special needs children in dental care requires a holistic approach that goes beyond just the technical aspects of dental treatment. It's about creating a safe, welcoming environment where the child feels comfortable and cared [...]Space-Maintainer
Use of Space Maintainers for Children Dentistry Replacement of the primary teeth with the permanent teeth in children is a normal and natural process. Sometimes this normal process is disrupted due to a premature loss of primary teeth or dental caries. Undesirable Drifting of Primary Molars When primary molars are lost too early, the adjacent […]
Types of Dental Crowns
Types of Dental Crowns If you are considering a dental crown for your tooth, it’s important to note that you can receive various types of dental crowns. Here are six (6) types of dental crowns to consider. Stainless Steel Dental Crown Stainless steel dental crowns are manufactured crowns that are used on permanent teeth as […]
Airoop Model September 2020
Airoop Model September 2020 Designed for Pure Dentistry in September 2020, Helsinki
Infected Baby Tooth
When your child experiences the pain and inflammation that comes with an infected baby tooth, there’s no question that a trip to a dentist is in order. Because dental problems won’t resolve on their own over time, it’s essential to seek professional dental care sooner rather than later to prevent oral health issues from becoming […]
Anaesthesia for Dental Treatment
INTRODUCTION Appropriate use of behaviour guidance techniques enables dental providers to deliver effective care and to impart a positive impression of dentistry on the developing child. Care strategies may include techniques ranging from basic communicative guidance to complex pharmacological management. Today, general anaesthesia (GA) provides full mouth dental rehabilitation (FMDR) for children.1 GA is often […]
Why Does Dental Cleaning Hurt So Much?
A person’s teeth may not make a significant proportion of their body, but oral health is more important than most people realize. Oral health not only offers a glimpse of someone’s general health but affects it too. The connection between the mouth and the rest of the body is so strong such that oral health […]
Loose Teeth
Loose Teeth | Everything You Need to Know Oral health plays a crucial role in the general body. This is why it is highly recommended to visit a dentist Brisbane for a regular checkup every six months. However, not many people adhere to such guidelines or observe good oral hygiene practices. As a result, dental […]